Although a small in size with a country of fascinating change in every ways, with its dramatic landscapes, valleys, rivers and jungles to world’s highest mountain. Nepal provides abundant bird life habitats with its rich green jungle of mid hills, alpine to tropical dense forest with its variations range of elevation from the low of 65 meters to 8,848 meters the top of Mt. Everest certainly offers an impressive natural background and home for many species of wild and bird life, join in our various destination for bird watch tour starting from the valley of Kathmandu and its nearest high hills with scenic mountain views, or drive to Chitwan and Kosi Tappu including Pokhara mid hills all these areas provides interesting Bird Watching Tour.
Nepal, a major habitation and migratory place for many species of birds as 08 % of the world's population of birds (more than 857 species);
Nepal habitats domestic and migratory birds as the country has varied levels of temperature from the low land of Terai the mid hill and to the high alpine range where varieties of birds exists from small finch-partridge- jungle fowls-water birds to large Himalayan brown eagle and hawks including the National bird of Nepal “Lophorous” colorful Danfe also called Impeyan Pheasant.
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Beautiful birds and it makes us feel good when we listen these beautiful singing on the branches of the tree or in the air. Nice post! short term park and fly deals
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